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Showing posts from March, 2024

Christ In Me : A Book Review

  This very good book aims to enhance every communicants’ knowledge of the profound mystery of Christ’s manifestation in the sacrament of communion. Primarily, “Christ In Me” explores the theological basis of Holy Communion, revealing the process by which the bread and wine are transformed into vessels containing the physical presence of Christ’s body and blood.  By providing perceptive explanations and using scripture references, individuals are directed to understand the full extent of this sacramental union, in which they participate in the divine existence of Christ Himself. A Journey Of Faith  Reading the contents of this good book provides a great experience especially because it contains notable explanations about the following: God, the Bible as a sacred scripture and the Holy Trinity The Old Testament and the New Testament  Essential prayers that every Christian should memorize and recite fervently. The seven sacraments which include Baptism, Reconciliation, H

Tips to Encourage a Child’s Reading Habits

Reading is extremely important for children’s well-being, social development, and mental health. More importantly, nurturing a love of reading has been shown to be important for their cognitive development, or “the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood” (  Ways to Foster a Love of Reading Yes, reading is essential for learning. That is why Del Maro put together a list of six effective ways for motivating youngsters to read while simultaneously building their skills and confidence . These simple yet powerful strategies can help parents, teachers, and caregivers in developing and supporting a child’s love of reading. Consider these eight ideas to help children cultivate a love of reading: 1.Begin Early Introduce books to your child as early as possible, even in infancy. Make reading a part of your everyday life, such as reading a bedtime story.