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Showing posts from February, 2024

Book Reading To Develop Life Skills in Children

  The habit of reading can significantly influence the development of children. It is crucial to establish consistent reading habits in a child’s life, both at home and in the classroom, in order for them to acquire a diverse range of skills necessary for their growth and development. Important Qualities that Children Develop Through Book Reading  We at Del Maro Learning believe that parents and teachers should encourage discussions about the books children read. As professionals in various fields, our expert team understands how book reading provide opportunities for young learners to develop essential qualities like critical and cognitive thinking. Let us check and understand these specific skills: 1.Cognitive and Critical Thinking By engaging themselves in rich narratives and resolving obstacles encountered by literary protagonists, youngsters are stimulated to engage in critical thinking and examine incidents from several perspectives. 2.Creativity and Vision Re

The Best Gift

A Journey of Faith

  “Christ In Me” written by Jennifer Maranan is an insightful book that aims to shed light on the paramount significance of Holy Communion to all who partake in it. It explores the profound and enlightening aspects of participating in the Eucharist, revealing the deep theological principles and spiritual nourishment it offers. This very good book aims to enhance every communicants’ knowledge of the profound mystery of Christ’s manifestation in the sacrament of communion. Primarily, “Christ In Me” explores the theological basis of Holy Communion, revealing the process by which the bread and wine are transformed into vessels containing the physical presence of Christ’s body and blood.  By providing perceptive explanations and using scripture references, individuals are directed to understand the full extent of this sacramental union, in which they participate in the divine existence of Christ Himself.     A Journey Of Faith  Reading the contents of this good book prov