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Book Reading To Develop Life Skills in Children


The habit of reading can significantly influence the development of children. It is crucial to establish consistent reading habits in a child’s life, both at home and in the classroom, in order for them to acquire a diverse range of skills necessary for their growth and development.

Important Qualities that Children Develop Through Book Reading 

We at Del Maro Learning believe that parents and teachers should encourage discussions about the books children read. As professionals in various fields, our expert team understands how book reading provide opportunities for young learners to develop essential qualities like critical and cognitive thinking.

Let us check and understand these specific skills:

1.Cognitive and Critical Thinking

By engaging themselves in rich narratives and resolving obstacles encountered by literary protagonists, youngsters are stimulated to engage in critical thinking and examine incidents from several perspectives.

2.Creativity and Vision

Reading books increases children’s imagination as they cognitively construct vivid images of the characters and situations depicted in books. This promotes creativity and motivates individuals to generate their own ideas and stories.


Engaging with the emotions of characters in the book can facilitate reflection, fostering children’s greater understanding of their own experiences and emotions

4.Strength of Character

Numerous stories portray characters confronting adversity and prevailing over hardships. Engaging with such stories can provide valuable lessons to children regarding resilience and the significance of persistence when confronted with life challenges.

5.Morality and Values

Books frequently incorporate moral teachings and ethical situations. Similar to the concepts discussed in the book ‘Christ In Me’, proper guidelines may encourage conversations about morality, helping in the cultivation of a strong moral framework in children.

6.Empathy and Sensitivity

By engaging with literature featuring various characters and their challenges, children can cultivate empathy, get insight into alternative viewpoints, and foster compassion.

7.Communicative Skills

Engaging in book reading exposes children to a wide range of terminology, facilitating the development of their language proficiency and enhancing their ability to communicate with efficacy.

8.Social and People Skills

Participating in discussions about books with parents, teachers, and peers fosters interpersonal relationships, active listening, and the sharing of ideas, all of which are key social competencies.


Engaging in reading can have a long-lasting beneficial effect on children’s cognitive and functional skills. These skills are vital to help young learners to achieve scholastic success and to become well-rounded persons.

The array of vocabulary and linguistic patterns that reading provides immerses children in new worlds and perspectives. This helps them connect with the characters and their situation which facilitates the formation of meaningful relationships.

All of the benefits provided by reading cultivates a lasting passion for acquiring knowledge. This  can be further facilitated by guide books like ‘Christ In Me’ establishing the essential foundation for values development. 

Discover more! Get your copy now!


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